
House Concert with The GeoMetrics

Ottewell House Concerts - The GeoMetrics, Contact hosts for details, Edmonton, Alberta

Ottewell House Concerts presents The GeoMetrics on Saturday, January 19, 2019. Come and enjoy some electric jazz/rock to chase away the January chills - we're thrilled to play for you in this intimate space! Doors open at 7pm, show starts at 7:30pm. Tickets are $20.00/person. This is a BYOB event and a snack to share. Please contact the hosts if you plan on coming and they will provide their address and any other info. Ottewell House Concerts are on Facebook and can be reached through Messenger or email davetaubensee@gmail.com. The GeoMetrics are Bill Damur (flute, guitar), Don Bradshaw (bass guitar) and Gord Garber (drums). Their music is rhythmically and harmonically adventurous jazz/rock, wholly original, with elements drawn from European and North American flavours.

